AI Presentation Maker

Turn static slides into stunning video presentations with Pictory's AI-powered tools.

No technical skills or software download required.

AI presentation maker

Over 10 million videos created across every industry


Generate a video in minutes

How it works

Discover how effortlessly you can create and publish AI-generated learning videos using Pictory.


Start making professional videos in minutes

How it works

Discover how effortlessly you can create and publish AI-generated learning videos using Pictory.


Create video presentations with ease using Pictory's AI Presentation Maker. Perfect for professionals, educators, and content creators looking to boost engagement.

Create AI Presentations with Ease

Convert your text, images and video into AI Video Presentations with Pictory's AI Presentation Maker. Generate videos quickly and easily.

AI Video Presentations in Minutes

Upload your text, images or video. Let AI summarize and transform it into a video. Customize and download your video.

Choose Your AI Voice

Choose Your Voice, upload your own voiceover or let our realistic AI voices do the talking

Access a Huge Media Library

Huge Media Library, 10M+ royalty-free videos, images and music tracks

Let AI Handle the Heavy Lifting

Simple, Powerful AI does the hard work for you

How to use our AI Presentation Maker



Upload your text, images or videos.


AI Summarization

Allow AI to transform them into engaging video format.



Customize your video, with AI Voices, styles and branding.


Share And Download

Download the customized video for sharing.


Convert static presentations into dynamic video format.

Add voiceover or background music with AI.

Easy customization options to match your brand style.

Download and share with just a click.

The #1 AI video creation platform built for Enterprise teams.




5-star reviews

Pictory's Features At A Glance

AI Video Editor

Edit videos with ease using Pictory's AI-powered tools. No complex editing skills required.

AI Video Generator

Generate videos automatically with Pictory's AI-powered tools. No manual editing required.

AI Subtitles & Captions

Automatically add subtitles and captions to your videos with Pictory's AI-powered tools.

AI Video Maker

Create professional videos effortlessly with Pictory's AI-driven tools. No video editing skills required.

AI Voice Generator

Generate realistic voiceovers with Pictory's AI-powered tools.

AI Video Templates

Create stunning videos quickly with Pictory's pre-designed templates.

Leader in the AI Video creation

Pictory is the most loved AI video generation software on the world’s biggest and most reliable software marketplaces.

In partnership with

FAQs for Pictory's AI Presentation Maker

Can I add voiceover to presentations using the AI Presentation Maker?

Yes, you can add an AI-generated voiceover or upload your own audio file to enhance your presentations.

Can I adjust the timing and animation of slides in the video?

Absolutely! You can adjust slide timing and animations to achieve the desired flow in your video presentation.

Does the AI Presentation Maker allow branding elements like logos?

Pictory allows you to add branding elements, including logos and custom color schemes, to make your presentations unique.

Is the AI Presentation Maker suitable for business presentations?

Yes, our AI Presentation Maker is ideal for business presentations, allowing you to create professional videos quickly and effectively.

Harness the power of AI and amazing video creation tools to grow your audience while saving you time!

Harness the power of AI and amazing video creation tools to grow your audience while saving you time!